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It's time to renew for 2024...

Please note that Digital Life Membership will remain at $500 until 31 March 2024, at which point the price will increase. So, jump on this special deal now!



Have an idea? Get Involved! Let us know!
Learn more about the resolutions process here.

The OJO Medal

order of james oglethorpe

The NGAGA has established the National Guard Association of Georgia (NGAGA) The Order of James Oglethorpe.

The Order of James Oglethorpe honors private citizens and military patrons hereafter named “Legacy Donors” who promote the long term health of the National Guard Association of Georgia and National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) by donating Life Memberships to Georgia National Guard Company Grade Officers (CGOs).

The Order of James Oglethorpe is a 3-inch medallion with a red, white, and blue ribbon. The medallion is worn with dinner attire at the Annual NGAGA State Conference dinner and other NGAGA functions.



Apply NOW to be employed tomorrow. It is not a matter of if a disaster will occur, but when.

On average Witt O'Brien's will hire over 300 new employees within the first 48-72 hours of the disaster occuring.

Will YOU be one of them!


Employment Opportunities

“Witt O'Brien's provides the highest quality of compliance, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery services. We stand ready at all times to respond to our clients' needs in the most cost-effective and efficient manner”.

We are currently recruiting for the 2013 Hurricane season. Our intent is to deploy former military personnel to all areas where Witt O’Brien’s has pre-event Debris monitoring contracts to perform duties as either a Debris Monitoring Field Supervisor or Field Debris Monitor.

Debris removal is the clearance, removal, and/or disposal of items such as trees, sand, gravel, building components, wreckage, vehicles and personal property. For debris removal costs to be eligible for reimbursement the debris must be a direct result of the disaster and the work must be necessary to:

Eliminate an immediate threat to lives, public health and safety;

Eliminate immediate threats of significant damage to improved public or private property; or

Ensure the economic recovery of the affected community to the benefit of the community-at-large.

Debris monitoring is the process of ensuring the disaster-related debris removal operations are conducted in accordance with the funding agencies requirements (the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA)). The debris monitoring operations are meant to ensure that the removal contractor is performing the scope of work (as defined by their contract) and to document the debris removal operations.

The primary role of debris monitors is not to function as the debris police, but simply to confirm debris eligibility by documenting the location of the debris (field monitors) and the volume of debris collected (tower/debris management site monitors)

To be considered for either position you must submit your resume through the following online portal: http://wittobriens.iapplicants.com/searchjobs.php OR you may also click on the either title below to apply directly:

·Debris Monitoring Field Supervisor

·Field Debris Monitor

You may also contact Nicole Brode at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional information.