Saturday Business and Professional Development Session

Business meeting and professional development will be held in the Evergreen Ballroom beginning at 0730 until approximately 1330 on Saturday 1 June. Coffee service and continental breakfast will start at 0700. An informative and productive business session has been planned.
We have invited Georgia Governor Brian Kemp; Georgia Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue; Congressman Buddy Carter; General Joseph Lengyel, Chief, National Guard Bureau; General Stephen J. Townsend, Commanding General, TRADOC; Major General Gary Brito, Commanding General, U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence; Major General Leopoldo A. Quintas, Jr., Commander, 3d Infantry Division; and BG (Ret) Roy Robinson NGAUS President. Additionally, your Professional Development Session will include strategic leadership presentations made by, Major General Tom Carden, The Adjutant General, Georgia; Brigadier General Tom Grabowski, Commander, Georgia Air National Guard; and Brigadier General Randall Simmons, Commander, Georgia Army National Guard.
As you can see, this will be a great opportunity for you to hear first hand from strategic leaders about the contemporary issues impacting the Georgia Guard and also have a chance to interact with them.
Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Uniform: ACU, OCP, or ABU/Flight Suit - Civilians wear equivalent dress