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It's time to renew for 2024...

Digital Life Membership is now $750 , but members may elect to pay in five (5) equal installments of $150. So, jump on this special deal now, and never worry about whether you're current again!



Have an idea? Get Involved! Let us know!
Learn more about the resolutions process here.

The OJO Medal

order of james oglethorpe

The NGAGA has established the National Guard Association of Georgia (NGAGA) The Order of James Oglethorpe.

The Order of James Oglethorpe honors private citizens and military patrons hereafter named “Legacy Donors” who promote the long term health of the National Guard Association of Georgia and National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) by donating Life Memberships to Georgia National Guard Company Grade Officers (CGOs).

The Order of James Oglethorpe is a 3-inch medallion with a red, white, and blue ribbon. The medallion is worn with dinner attire at the Annual NGAGA State Conference dinner and other NGAGA functions.


Come Play With Us!

row of kids

For Children Ages 3-13ngaga cop

Mrs. Joni and Mrs. Amanda will have a wonderful program again for our children.  On Friday night there will be a Magic Party, Saturday Morning a Duck Ride Party, and Saturday night it’s a Dance Party along with lots of movies, video games, dancing crafts and so much more!  Please note that we will not need any Teen Volunteers/Helpers this year. 

Age 10-13 will have their own separate area where they will have several fun projects to work on like: Make a Move: Virtual Reality: Movie Outing by the Pool, Scavenger Hunt,  and more!

There will be children’s activities and goody bags for the kids during registration on Friday.  Childcare located in the Rhododendron Room. 

Child Care Cost (per session)
One Child:  $15
Two Children:  $25
Three or More Children:  $35

Child Care Sessions
Friday, 5-11 pm
Saturday, 8-11 am
Saturday Night, 5pm until midnight

Need more info contact:  JONI BENNETT at (912) 222-2746   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.