USAFlagStone Mountain, Georgia
3-5 June 2022

Make plans to attend the 2022 State Conference of the National Guard Association of Georgia and the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Georgia.

The conference will be hosted at the Atlanta Marriott Evergreen Conference Center, a luxurious lake-front resort nestled at the foot of Georgia's majestic Stone Mountain.

The conference will kick off on Friday with the annual Ronnie Griffin Memorial Golf Tournament hosted at the Stone Mountain Golf Club. Friday evening will feature a buffet meal at the Waterside Restaurant and the opening of the hospitality room.

On Saturday morning, service members, exhibitors, and sponsors will participate in the annual Business Session followed by a professional development lunch. Guests of service members are encouraged to attend the Spouse/Guest Breakfast, now included in the cost of guest registration! We wind up Saturday with the State Banquet, featuring a small business session, the presentation of awards, and an evening of fun.