1. General Conferences
A General Conference of the Association shall be convened annually either in person or electronically. The method of voting at a General Conference is contained in Appendix E.
2. Quorum
Seventy-five (75) members of the total membership in good standing shall constitute a quorum for transaction of the business of the Association at any General Conference or special meeting.
3. Representation
Representation at a General Conference is by individual member.
a. The Active Annual, Active Life, Retired Annual, and Retired Life Members of the Association shall comprise the voting body of a General Conference.
b. A member who is in arrears in the payment of dues shall not be eligible for election or to vote in any election held by the Association.
c. Each General Conference includes as ex-officio members the Chairman of each Standing, Special or General Conference Committee who is required or requested to render a report to the Conference if actually present and not otherwise a member of the voting body.
d. Resolutions shall be a statement of policy of the Association with regards to legislative priorities and positions on manpower, force structure, roles and missions, equipment and other issues consistent with the purposes and objectives of the Association as set forth in the by-laws. Resolutions adopted by a General Conference are effective for one year or until the next General Conference.