1. Standing Committees
Standing Committee shall be appointed by the President subject to ratification of the Board.
a. Committee on Audit
b. Committee on Awards
c. Committee on By-Laws
d. Committee on Company Grade Issues
e. Committee on Finance
f. Committee on Membership
g. Committee on Warrant Officer Issues
h. Committee on Communications
i. Committee on the Georgia Guard Insurance Trust
j. Committee on State Conference
k. Committee on Nominations
l. Committee on Resolutions
m. Committee on National Conference
n. Committee on Industry Relations
2. Special Committees
The President may create Special Committees with the concurrence of the Board.
3. Powers and Duties of Committees
Each committee shall have the powers, duties and make up as are set forth by the appointing authority in the appointment of the committee and/or in Appendix D. All directors must serve as either a chair of a standing committee, chair of a subcommittee of national or state conference committee or on the executive committee. A member of the executive team (executive director or deputy director) will serve as an ex-officio member of each of the standing committees.